
Palo Santo Wood

50,00 AED

5 palo santo wood sticks per box

Our Palo Santo ( Bursera gravolens ) is sustainably sourced from Peru. The balsamic and piney smoke relaxes and calms the mind. It is great as a meditation tool, remedy for ailments like the common cold, headaches, and stress.

If you are using Palo Santo for smudging, offer reverence and gratitude to the Indigenous tribes, where the practice originated.

5 in stock


  • Hold the Stick at a 45-degree angle
  • Light it and let it burn for a few seconds till it smolders.
  • Slowly walk around your space and allow the smoke to waft around.
  • Prop open a door or window to let the negative energy escape.
  • Place it a dish with smoking edge suspended up.

Additional information

Weight 0,075 kg
Dimensions 23 × 3 cm
Burn Time

15 Minutes (Per Stick)


2 cm

Diameter/ Breadth

1.5 cm


10 cm




60 gms, With Box – 100 gms

Incense Care

Let the smouldering palo santo wood stick extinguish naturally or dab it on soil/sand to extinguish.

Caution –
Never leave unattended. Don’t use water to extinguish the hot embers.